Realising that I've successfully kept a cat alive for more than a year and half, I'm now venturing unto slightly more scarier plains. Yes, I realise it's suppose to be the other way around. Keep a plant alive, you can keep an animal alive...
So this weekend will see the start of my second new project. My first was knitting. I knitted a lovely, extra length scarf that I now wear on a regular basis. At some point I will get round to knitting the matching fingerless gloves. Hopefully before the end of winter. If this at all is giving you the idea that I'm someone who starts something but doesn't finish it, you have yet to see me with a bottle of wine.
So, this will involve a visit to Woolworths where I saw the perfect first container for a terrarium and a visit to a nursery. An after the weekend I will update you regarding the terrarium and occasionally I will post about a new one. As I do intend to surround myself with them.
In addition I intend to post about utterly cute things my cat does that is only utterly cute to me and no one else, random belligerence and a good dose of whining, cool things I've seen or want to do and so forth. Until then.
How to Make a Terrarium: http://www.stormthecastle.com/terrarium/
Terrariums.com: http://www.terrariums.com/
I have 3 bamboo plants that have been living for quite some time and 1 other type of plant that is always on the brink of extinction. Keeps things exciting, dontcha know.