After much uhm-ing and ah-ing about what exactly to do on Saturday after accomplishing 80 percent of my chores (removing layers of cat hair from carpets and tiles, laundry, etc.), I headed off to Stellenbosch with Trix and her boyfriend, Adam. To the last remaining indoor skate park. Adam is the skater, not Trix. En route, enjoying the warmth of the sun on my skin and winelands scenery, many a joke was made about 10 year old skaters. Upon arrival at the skate park I discovered the exactitude of our jokes. I did, however, spot three men, excluding Adam, who were capable of growing facial hair.
Adam, having already donned most of his protective gear at home, was attempting to secure his helmet to his head when I noticed that Adam was the only one sporting protective gear. Despite the sign stating that helmets are compulsory. Not even the 10 year olds were wearing so much as an elbow guard. After a few well placed sniggers, Trix and I set off for lunch.
It might just have been that I was starving but the pizzas were very good. After lunch we stopped at a Spar to pick some things for tea, hertzoggies and milk tart, true South African treats. We returned to the skate park to pick a somewhat bruised and battered Adam. We made another stop at a Spar closer to home to acquire ingredients for the burgers Adam were to make as soon as he'd showered all skate park sweat off him. At the Spar I spotted this:

I have no words.
Supper was the most delicious home made burgers I've ever had and I will forgive Adam his skateboarding habit just for this. I decided that we needed to watch Teeth.
It was terrible, but better than I expected. And it was HILARIOUS! I had an asthma attack from laughing so much. All the trouble getting the dvd to play (broken player and finicky Wii) was so worth it.
Overcoming the laziness from eating too much, I moseyed on home. I overslept on Sunday, missing yoga. The rest of the day was spent playing with Google SketchUp. SketchUp is a phenomenal program. So far I've made a kickass chair, following a tutorial, and a bookcase. I'm not sure if I have the skills, determination and creativity to design anything like the pieces on display in the warehouse but I'm enjoying playing and it'll serve me well to hand a carpenter a clear, simple design of the bookcase I want.
* Pictures are bad quality because Adam couldn't stand still long enough for my to adjust the camera settings.
Firstly, Your use of the word "exactitude" is stupendous. I am hereby informing you that I will be stealing this word to use in my everyday conversations. Therefore, you cannot sue me for word stealage.
ReplyDeleteALSO. Did you go all the way to Stellenbosch without visiting the baby kitties at the winery? Really?
Also also, TEETH. Facking highlarity in extreme proportions. I saw the pre-release version and they were going to make a few changes based on audience feedback, so I may have to see it again. It's worth it just for the concept. Holy mother of sweet jesus.
Ha, I used it without even realising! You are welcome to use it. And I will feel honoured and use "stealage" in return.
ReplyDeleteNot only did I not visit the kitties, I also drank no wine. I think another trip should be scheduled to remedy this.
I might watched Teeth again but this time I will shut my eyes when they show the chomped off penises (penii?).