Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Be gone winter...and some randomness

I'm not a summer person. I don't like heat. I don't do beaches. I have to squint and don sunglasses if there is even a hit of a sunbeam peeking out from behind some clouds. I sweat just thinking about stepping outside in temperatures above 26 degrees Celsius. I don't like sweating.*

While snuggling in bed with that awesome blankie, a cup of soup and a good book has it merits, I'm getting anxious to do more summery things. To the point where I'm cursing Derek van Dam** when ever he announces yet another incoming cold front.

My upstairs balcony gets great sun and I've decided to acquire a lounge chair, so that I can bake in the sun, sip cocktails*** while taking in the activities in the harbour. While I despise the flip-flip and wouldn't be seen dead in them despite my recent yearnings for summer, these coasters would go perfect for lounging, cocktail sipping.

I also want to work on the garden that I inherited from the previous occupants of my house. It was much of a garden when I moved in but is now worse for wear with all the weeds that have made the garden their home.

And I want lazy picnics in the botanical garden.

But I just know it's going to be a "Be careful what you wish for" situation. Once temperatures hit 32 degrees and I'm incapacited, sitting in a puddle of my own sweat, I will be swallowing my words. But until then I can dream of days lounging on my balcony, sipping cocktails, and nights lazing on the bed with a magazine, a cool breeze gently stirring the curtains (as opposed to keeping all doors and windows shut, suffocating in the heat, for fear of the Cape Doctor unleashing a tornado inside my house).

I've been trying to perfect my WABbing**** lately. The internet is quite useful for this. I've found this great site, Information is Beautiful. Now I can waste 97.6342% of my day looking at utterly useless charts and graphs, like this one comparing movie monsters or this map of drugs.

* I'm adding this to my reasons for not going to the gym.

** Just found his blog. This will be the start of a beautiful stalking friendship.

*** I also need a cocktail shaker. And various cocktail alcohols. Wishlist updated.

**** Work Avoidance Behaviour. I used to be stellar at this at uni but since starting working full-time my skills have degraded.

1 comment:

  1. Summer concerts in Kirstenbosch. Hiking. Surfing. Clubbing. I'm a summer girl and can't wait for it to arrive.
